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How To Excel & Succeed In College

College life can be intimidating and overwhelming at times. It can be challenging to get used to living on your own and having your independence. 

The good news is that there are ways to ensure that you not only have a good time but that you do well in school. All it takes is a little hard work and dedication on your part. Here you can learn how to excel and succeed in college. 


Go to Class & Study

It’s important that you attend classes when you are in college. You can’t skip school and expect to perform well on homework and exams. Some of the toughest subjects can be science and math. Be glad to know that there are steps you can take to ensure you get good grades. For example, you can sign up for the College algebra CLEP Test prep course that will help ensure you do well on the exam. Taking the test seriously and putting in the time and energy to study will help ensure you find success with this particular subject. 

Manage Your Time Wisely

There are often a lot of distractions you have to deal with when attending college. It can be easy to fall off track when you are first getting going and getting used to the environment. You want to make sure that you manage your time wisely and can complete all the work that needs to be done. While you want to make time for fun it’s also important that you put your studies above all else. Get in the habit of keeping to-do lists and put your tasks in priority order. If you have major projects due you may want to work ahead to make sure you get them done in time. 

Take Good Care of Yourself

College life can take a toll on your mental and physical well-being if you’re not good about making your health and self-care a priority. You want to make sure that you are committed to taking good care of yourself throughout the year. This entails eating healthy meals, getting enough exercise, and making sleep a priority. You can’t stay up late all the time and expect to perform well in class and on tests. Set boundaries for yourself and try to balance your social life with your school life. Find ways to nurture your mental health by taking breaks and spending time in nature.

Get Involved in Activities & Extracurriculars

Your college life should be fun for you and put a smile on your face. While studying and schoolwork are important, it’s also wise to maintain a social life. Make it a point to get involved in activities and extracurriculars. There are many options to choose from so do something that you are interested in and feel passionate about. For example, you can join a sports team or participate in a club that your school offers. 


You now know what it will take to excel and succeed in college. Be patient with yourself as you adapt to college life. Stick with it and it won’t be long before you are enjoying yourself and getting used to your new lifestyle.