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Study Hacks That Will Improve Your Memory

If you want to get the best grades and be the best student you can be, there is no denying that you need to improve your memory. A lot of what learning entails is taking in and retaining information, so if you cant do that effectively, no matter how intelligent you may be, there is a chance you will not reach your full potential.

The good news is, there are lots of hacks you can employ to improve your memory and help you retain more of the information you study.

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Take a walk

Studies have shown that if you take a walk before taking a test, it can boost your brainpower and help you to remember more of the information you need to pass with flying colors. Ideally, you should take a walk outdoors around 20 minutes before your test, just make sure you leave enough time to get back and take the examination in time!

Take supplements

There are various supplements that may be able to improve your memory. So, it may be a good idea to research the nootropics to take when learning. Of course, before taking any new supplements, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have a medical condition or are already taking various medications, but if you get the go-ahead, supplements really can give you an edge.

Speak when you read

Instead of reading your textbooks in your head, read them out loud. It may seem silly at first, but you’ll soon get used to it, and it will benefit you greatly. Why? Because research has shown that you are more likely to remember information when you read aloud - it’s really that simple.

Take notes with pen and paper

You may love your MacBook or iPad and you might think they are the perfect vehicle for taking notes, but you might want to think again. Study after study has shown that people who take notes with pen and paper are more likely to remember the information those noted contained. This also goes for reading. People who read paper books retain more than those who read ebooks or from computer monitors. Sometimes, the old ways really are the best.

Teach someone else

One of the best ways to boost your memory and retain the knowledge you have learned is to teach that thing to someone else. If you can explain a complex concept to someone else with relative ease, it is more likely to stick in your brain, and what’s more, you’re more likely to fully understand it yourself.


Meditation can do many good things for the body. It can relieve stress,. Alleviate symptoms of depression and help you to relax. It can also boost the part of your brain that retains your memories, so after each study session, why not spend 20 minutes meditating; it’ll help you keep the knowledge in, and help you to stop stressing about it at the same time!

Memory is the key to success, so do whatever you can to boost yours.