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One of the BEST resources for high school students

So often, parents ask me where they can find extra resources to help support their students in school.


Although I love offering fresh new resources inside my Tutor Tips at your Fingertips Facebook group, I also recommend one of the most underused resources available!

Your local public library!

Your local library is FILLED to the brim with classes, programs, and resources to help your teen or your student learn and to support them in school!

We visit our local library every week and enjoy a few classes with my 2 kiddos. The kids always have a great time and always love going.

Just today, my son got his head stuck in a display board in front of over 60 parents and kids. (Why is it always the boys that get their head stuck???)

But we will save that story for another day! :D

Grab the quarterly Program Guide!

This morning, I made sure to grab the libraries quarterly program guide to check out all of the upcoming scheduled classes and programs my for 2 kiddos! They even have amazing classes for adults that I would love to attend!

I make sure to circle the classes that we are interested in doing and then put those on our family calendar so we don’t forget!

So make sure to grab your local libraries quarterly program guide to check out the available opportunities for your teen or your family! Or just check it out online!

Free tutoring

One of the BEST resources I have seen libraries offer to teens and students is to offer FREE tutoring!

That’s right! Some libraries offer free tutoring for students looking for extra help in school!

I have seen this offered in different ways and many different libraries! One library offered 30 minute time slots that students could sign up for. Another library offered a 3 hour block of time, one day a week, that parents could drop their student off for some free tutoring!

Free tutoring is an amazing resource, but unfortunately, it us not offered in every library. So you will have to look into your local library to see if they offer it.

If your local library does NOT offer free tutoring hours, then you could definitely recommend this program and encourage them to get it started! Most libraries welcome feedback from parents about how to make their programs better!

Get a library card

I LOVE library cards!

As a military family, we have traveled around a LOT! And with each new place we have called home, I have gotten a brand new library card!

It gives me a sense of belonging to my new community! And now I have my own library card collection! (Haha! I sound like a tutor!)

If your student does not yet have their own library card in their name, then it is high time they get one!! :D

Getting your student their own library card is so beneficial in several ways!

  1. It makes them responsible for their own books (and late fees).

  2. It encourages them to take their learning into their own hands!

  3. It encourages the love of reading!

  4. It gives students a sense of ownership and responsibility as they mature into young adults!

Once your teen or student has their own library card, you and your family can have a weekly scheduled library visit, where your child can get new books, or simply do homework at their library!

Find the library that’s right for your family

Now that I have seen and experienced so many amazing libraries, I want to encourage you to find the RIGHT library to fit your families needs. You see, not every library is the same!

Based on the size and resources of the library, they may or may not have the resources available to fit your teen or students.

Some libraries focus on supporting teens and older students, while other libraries may focus more on supporting early readers. And some libraries have the resources to support both!

My current local library only really has the resources to support the younger kids and early readers. But I have been to many amazing libraries with amazing resources for teens and older students!

So check out a few of the different libraries in your local area to find the library with the right resources to fit your teen and your family!



My name is Rachael and I have been a private tutor for over 12 years. I earned my undergraduate degree in 2 and a half years and earned my graduate degree by age 22. I have tutored dozens of high school students, college students, and graduate students. I offer my resources and experience to help parents learn how to best help their teen or child that is struggling in school. 


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