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Why your teen NEEDS study skills!

If your teen or student is struggling with their grades in school, you may be wondering what the problem is!

You might see them working harder and harder in school, but their grade is not improving. So what’s the problem?

If your teen or student is struggling to do well in school, 9 times out of 10 it is because they do not have the right study skills for school!

It’s true! If your teen or student is trying to do better in school, but still not able to improve their grades, 9 times out of 10, your student does not have the study skills they need to do well in school!

From my own experience, EVERY single student I have ever tutored has needed help with study skills. Their learning problem was not tests, or homework, or math, or English. Instead, they all needed taught how to practice good study skills so that they could learn better and do better in school!

Does your student have study skills?

When I typically ask students if they have study skills, their answer is a confident “yes”.

When I ask how they study, they say “I read a few chapters in the text book the night before a test.”

But they have NO idea that this is NOT studying!

These students have no idea that reading does not equal studying, because no one has ever taught them HOW to study.

RELATED: How the School System is letting your Teen Down.

Your child’s school has not taught them the basics of how to study, and so they are trying their best without being shown how to work effectively or efficiently.

So we, as parents, need to teach them the skills they actually need to do well in school!

Which study skills does my child actually need?

You may be thinking, “I would love to teach my student better study skills, but I don’t actually know which skills to cover.”

Here is a list of the study skills your child actually needs:

  • Time Management

  • Organization

  • Note Taking

  • Learning Skills

  • Motivation

  • Self Advocacy

Do you think your child has these skills? Or is the one (or more) that sticks out to you that you KNOW your child needs?

Let’s assess your child!

Does your student start working on big project a week in advance? Or do they wait till the night before an assignment is due, and stay up late trying to finish it? If this is a problem for your student, then they might need better time management.

Does your teen ever forget to do homework? Or do they complete homework, shove it in the bottom of their backpack, and lose it before they can ever turn it in? They may need better organization!

Is your teen able to take notes as fast as the teacher is instructing? Or do they feel flustered trying to write all the information down? Or do they even bother taking notes at all? They may need better note taking skills!

Does your student study and cram for HOURS before a test without truly memorizing anything, and still failing the test? They may need better Learning skills.

Does your child complete every single homework assignment and turn it in on time? Or do they struggle to find the motivation to complete every assignment? They may need better motivation.

Does your child speak up when they have a question? Or do they seek out the teacher for extra help when they don’t understand the lesson? They may need to learn how to be a better self advocate.

Your child does NOT need a tutor!

Coming from a tutor (me), your child does not actually need a tutor!

I am totally convinced that Your student does NOT actually need a tutor, but instead, they need to be taught better study skills so that they can be fully equipped with the skills they actually need in school!


So if you know right now that your teen or student needs better study skills, and you don’t know how to help them or where to start, you can sign up below to get the step by step of how to help them learn these skills in order to learn better and do better in school, without working harder!



My name is Rachael and I have been a private tutor for over 12 years. I earned my undergraduate degree in 2 and a half years and earned my graduate degree by age 22. I have tutored dozens of high school students, college students, and graduate students. I offer my resources and experience to help parents learn how to best help their teen or child that is struggling in school. 


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