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What to do when your teen is still struggling to do well in school?

If you are a parent with a teen or preteen that is struggling in school, then you may be looking for the best resources to help them do better in school.

Maybe you have tried to help your teen, only to be met with resistance and friction?

Maybe you see that your teen is trying their best to do better in school! You see them everyday working hard on their homework or studying for their next test. But they STILL aren’t getting the results that they want!!

Here’s what we can do!


After tutoring students for over 12 years, I realized there is a connection between all students!

It didn’t matter what subject I was tutoring, it didn’t matter what age or grade the student was, and it didn’t matter what their strengths were. They ALL suffered from the same struggles!

Every student I have ever worked with did Not have the basic and fundamentals skills that students need in order to do well in school!

The reason that students do not have these skills is because schools are just not teaching them anymore. Teachers will throw students in high school and fully expect them to know how to do well, without ever teaching them HOW!!

So what skills do students actually need for school?

Study skills like:

  • Time Management

  • Note Taking

  • Organization

  • Learning Skills

  • and More!

Most teachers will give a test and expect students to know how to study, without ever teaching them HOW to study!

So how can we expect our kids to do well in school if no one has ever taught them how?

The BEST thing we can do to help our teens and students in school is to teach them the skills they actually need!

So let’s assess your kid right now to find out if they have the right skills!

Time Management

Does your teen wait until the night before to study a test?

Does your teen start an essay the night before or 2 weeks before it is due?

Does your teen study by cramming for hours for a test? Or do they review a little every day?

If your teen struggles with time management, then they may need to learn this skill in order to do better in school!


Does your teen ever lose homework or notes?

Does your teen ever forget when homework is due because they didn’t write it down?

Does your teen struggle with turning in homework on time?

If so, then your child MUST learn good organization in order to do better in school!

Learning and study skills

Does your teen know how to study?

Does your teen read a few pages in a book and call that studying?

Does your student even bother with studying at all?

If not, then learning the right study skills is the next skills that your student must learn!

Note Taking

Does your teen know how to take good notes?

Is your teen able to take sufficient notes during a class lecture?

Does your teen even bother taking notes at all?

If not, then learning note taking skills is the next skill that your teen needs to learn now!


It's essential to acknowledge that many teens today face emotional challenges that can profoundly impact their ability to perform in school. Factors like depression, anxiety, and other emotional disorders can severely obstruct a student's capacity to focus, process information, or even attend school regularly. Such issues go beyond mere academic skills and delve into a realm that demands specialized attention and support. Schools and tutors may be ill-equipped to handle the emotional intricacies that come with these disorders. In such cases, institutions like Alpine Academy Utah step in, providing not only the academic support these teens need but also offering tailored programs that address their emotional wellbeing.

How did your teen do? Did they pass the skills assessment?

If they are still struggling to do well in school, it is highly likely that they are struggling in a few of the areas listed above! So what can we do to help our teens and preteens in school?

Teach them the skills that they are still struggling to learn!

If you would like to learn how to teach your teen or student these skills, sign up below to get your free mini course to show you how!



My name is Rachael and I have been a private tutor for over 12 years. I earned my undergraduate degree in 2 and a half years and earned my graduate degree by age 22. I have tutored dozens of high school students, college students, and graduate students. I offer my resources and experience to help parents learn how to best help their teen or child that is struggling in school. 


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